Why studying everything provided by the schools will barely give you a distinction?
Materials and teaching provided in school is not sufficient Reading the school’s lecture notes is certainly not sufficient in the preparation of A level Chemistry examinations. There are many commonly tested chemical reactions which are often not explained in the school’s lecture notes with great detail. Some of these chemical reactions include the use of…
Read MoreHow to do well in Organic Chemistry?
Things you need to know about A-level Organic Chemistry A Level Organic Chemistry is an area where many students struggle in because of the large amount of content that you have to remember. There are a total of 12 subtopics (there might be some topics change over the years) Introduction to Organic ChemistryIsomersAlkanes Alkenes ArenesHalogenoalkanesAlcoholCarbonyl…
Read MoreChemistry in JC- The Hard Truth
Chemistry in JC – Hard Truths Chemistry is commonly taken in O-levels, followed by A-levels. If you just graduated from O-levels (and maybe even scored a distinction) and are considering taking H2 Chemistry in JC, please read ahead to know what’s in store for you before making your decision. 1. Content will be covered and…
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