“Zaitsev Rule” Elimination
Zaitsev Rule Elimination is only appear in 2019 ACJC Prelim Paper 1. This reaction do appear in HCI in the past. It is not in the A level but is still gd to get prepared.
The “Zaitsev Rule”: Elimination Will Occur Such That The Hydrogen Is Removed From The Beta-Carbon With The Fewest Hydrogens. ... [Organic chemists and their terms: the “α-carbon” is the carbon attached to the leaving group, while “β-carbons” are all carbons attached to the alpha carbon.]
The Zaitsev (Saytseff) Rule
When alkyl halides have two or more different β carbons, more than one alkene product is formed. In such cases, the major product is the more stable product—the one with the more substituted double bond. This phenomenon is called the Zaitsev rule.
In Summary
In the Elimination reaction, the Carbon atoms that have the less Hydrogen will be eliminated.
The poor get poorer
Rmb Markovnikov's Rule: Addition reaction, the Carbons atoms that have the most Hydrogen, will take the Hydrogen of the alkene bond
The rich get richer