How to do well in Organic Chemistry?

Things you need to know about A-level Organic Chemistry

A Level Organic Chemistry is an area where many students  struggle in because of the large amount of content that you have to remember.

There are a total of 12 subtopics (there might be some topics change over the years)

Introduction to Organic Chemistry
Carbonyl compounds
Carboxyl compounds
Acyl chloride and esters
Amines, amides
Amino acids

The secret to mastering Organic Chemistry is to categorise and remember the reactions based on their various types e.g. addition, substitution, oxidation, reduction, , hydrolysis and condensation etc. 

You will need to fully understand the 5 basic mechanism because this is the building rock for foundation of all infinite mechanism of Organic Chemistry reaction that you can find.

lastly, you also need to be familiar with the interconnections across the various subtopics:
such as chemical bonding (JC 1), Inorganic Chemistry (J2) ......


Ways to Conquer Organic Chemistry

Familiarise with all the interconnections between various subtopic including

  • Reaction involving the use of sodium hydroxide NaOH
  • Reaction involving the use of Na, NaOH and Na2CO3
  • Reaction involving the use of hot PCl2, or PCl5, room temperature SOCl2 in pyridine
  • Oxidation, Reduction, Hydrolysis and Condensation Reactions
  • Use of bromine (Br2)
  • Distinguishing Tests
  • Step up and Step Down reactions (Especially important for elucidation questions)

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